
Tuesday 19 February 2013

Year 7 Sci/Tech

On Fridays this term the Year 7s go to science and the other half go to tech with  Mr Walmot. In science with Mrs Collet we have been learning about solids, liquids and gases. We investigated what would happen if we mixed corn flour with water  in a bowl. We were able to pour it and it made it a liquid. When we left it on a plate it became a solid.  It was hard to make shapes with it but. We were able to make a ball with it by rolling it heaps. It wouldn't stay in the shape of a ball for very long because it would just break up and squish down. It was called suspension. It felt weird when you touched it.

By Kyle.

1 comment:

  1. Cool !! Sounds like fun I can't wait till i'm a year 7. When do you get to do Tech with Mr Wilmot? And if you all ready have what did you make?
