Kia Ora! Welcome to our class blog 2016. You can follow our learning journey throughout the year. You can keep up to date with events that are happening in our class, homework and important dates and reminders.
Friday, 22 November 2013
On Friday 22/11/13 we have been been working on matter like what it is and what it means. Today we got a test tube and a paper towel then we stuffed it in the test tube and then we went one by one putting it in the bucket and covered it up and could not show and one it. This is what to looks like.
Today we did a experiment with a paper towl and a testing jar, we placed the testing jar up side down in a bucket of water to see if the paper towl would get wet of corse it didn't because the air got trapped between the water and the testing jar, and that's what we learnt, that air takes up space.
Have a look on our blog, there will be photos of us trying to get the paper towels out and what the paper towl looked like in the water!!!
By Taryn Cairns.
Friday, 15 November 2013
MADE awards
On Tuesday,12/11/13, Mr W. and I (Caleb.K) went up on a plane to Tauranga for our year 6 room 9 MADE awards music video. It was at the ASB arena that could fit 600 people. Finally, they anounsed what we came, we came first and won a citificate, trophy and an iPad Mini.
By Caleb.K
By Caleb.K
Friday, 1 November 2013
This week we have been learning about inventions in the kitchen. We had to either do a poster, a power point or a speech to present our kitchen invention. I choose to do the food processor. Here is my speech...
Food Processor
The idea of a machine to process foods began when a french catering company owner Pierre Verdun took note on how much time his workers spent in the kitchen chopping, shredding and mixing. He produced a simple but effective solution to his problem, a bowl with a revolving blade in the base.
In 1960 this evolved into Robot Coupe, a company made to help caters by supplying them with food processors. The food processor was then introduced to the world by an engineer who spent a year adapting to the processor before he found out how useful the new device could be.
How it works...
In the bottom of the processor there is a motor. The motor is the heaviest part of the machine. The motor holds the machine in place so that it doesn't move around a lot. Next, on top of the motor is a cover. The cover protects the motor from any food. Coming out of the cover is a vertical shaft that spins around and holds the attachments in place. Around the shaft is a large bowl to hold the food in. The bowl usually has a handle to make moving the device easier.
There are three different size bowls full, compact and mini. Full size bowls are usually attached to a more powerful motor that can weigh up to one kg. Coming out of the top of the bowl is a food tube. The food tube allows you to insert food while the machine is still in action.
A basic Food processor comes with a standard attachment, which is good for mixing. They are normally an 's' shaped blade. They are also known as the sabatier blade. The sabatier blade sits at the bottom of the bowl.
The first food processor was only white and was really heavy. But now days you can get Food Processors that are lighter and in a range of stylish colour to match your kitchen interior.
I wonder what colour I will get?
By Omea Hall
This is the last week for room9 and room10 to finish our inventions, some people are finished and some still have a long way to go the pressure is on it's our last chance.
When we are finished that we have to go on to industrial inventions we have three weeks to do them and then our last invention is a technology invention al of these have to be done by week8 and up to good starndards.
When we are finished that we have to go on to industrial inventions we have three weeks to do them and then our last invention is a technology invention al of these have to be done by week8 and up to good starndards.
Friday, 18 October 2013
Jonah Lomu
This week my reading group has been learning about Jonah Lomu and his past life.
Jonah is the biggest rugby player in history. He is 1.96 meters tall, he weighs 116 kj, wears size 13 boots and can run 100 meters in 10.8 seconds. When he was nineteen he started playing for the All Blacks.
When he was 9 he really shot up and ended having to run to church because he was too tall to fit in the car with his family. When he left home he had to get a special house built for him so he wouldn't hit his head when walking through a door.
By Tane
Jonah is the biggest rugby player in history. He is 1.96 meters tall, he weighs 116 kj, wears size 13 boots and can run 100 meters in 10.8 seconds. When he was nineteen he started playing for the All Blacks.
When he was 9 he really shot up and ended having to run to church because he was too tall to fit in the car with his family. When he left home he had to get a special house built for him so he wouldn't hit his head when walking through a door.
By Tane
Wintons Got Talent
On the 16th of October at the Winton School hall there was a talent show starring the students of that school and a special quest called Skye who won "searching for stars" competition. The winners of Winton Got Talent were Kendra and Briley or Briley and Kendra. Their act was hip hop dancing and the thing that i liked about them is that they got the audience hooked.
For reading this week we have been reading an article about Athens and an ancient old building called the Parthenon. The article is written by Lynne Beaven and it is called 'ancient but earthquake proof.'
Greece has always suffered severe earthquakes but there is one building that is over 2500 years old and still has no damage done to the building by earthquakes. It is called the Parthenon and it was made for the goddess Athena. Some parts of the Parthenon are missing, its walls are gone but the damage isn't from earthquakes. They are from many years of fires, explosions during wars and deliberate removal of pieces for private and public collections.
The Parthenon was built very carefully by Phidias a very famous sculptor in Greece. To join the pillars onto the roof and floor they used iron to hold it in place and to stop the iron from going rusty and weak they sealed it with a strong lead. The lead is like elastic so the Parthenon will sway and move during an earthquake but wont fall!
Inside the Parthenon was a giant statue of the goddess Athena made out of elephant ivory and gold. the statue was over 12m tall in the centre of the building. The statue is no longer there but some carvings and ancient Greek writing still is.
by Omea Hall
Friday, 30 August 2013
Artwork Shot
At Winton School a group of us students were chosen for an artwork shot. We had to use different types of materials to make our picture come to life. We were focusing on insects and how to make them look real. We had to use colored tissue, card paper, paint and Graffito. At the end when we were finished our artwork we got to play around with the paint and all of the materials. Here are some of the students artwork.
By Lily
Speech central
Some people that have done speeches got into their year group finals. The people out of our class that got through were Josh Milne who's topic was if I was a millionaire. Sophie Murray who's topic was child labour. Emma Diack who's topic was cyber bullying and myself (omea hall) who's topic was child abuse. We then went to our year finals where there were topics such as
- How to make a Hollywood movie
- Guide to camping
- Drugs in sport
- Being the middle child
- Problems of growing older
- How some people drive
- Fashion
From there a judge from Central Southland Collage came to Limehills school to judge. The only person that got through from our school was Riley Ballentyne.
Watch this space for any speeches...
The past few weeks we have been on Mathletics , it is a world wide math competition , when you are on you can go things like fractions , times tables and division or you can go on
live mathletics where you can verse your class , your school , the computer or the whole world , when you get over 1000 points you get a bronze medal 1000 more to get a silver medal and 1000 more to get a gold.
By Taryn Cairns
live mathletics where you can verse your class , your school , the computer or the whole world , when you get over 1000 points you get a bronze medal 1000 more to get a silver medal and 1000 more to get a gold.
By Taryn Cairns
Friday, 9 August 2013
Every Thursday a man from VolleyBall Southland comes and takes us for 45 minutes. So far we have learnt how to do the dig and set. also we have learnt a new game called snow ball tag and a activity that you need three cones a partner and a ball. Your partner passes you the ball and you pass it back and then you run to the next cone.
Rounding and compensating stratergy
60 - 6
6x100+6x50 6x3
60 - 6
6x100+6x50 6x3
This term we have been looking at speeches we had about two weeks to have them ready on Q cards and know it off by heart this year the topics were
Text bullying
Sport for life
Homework:should it stay or should it go
Best worst most interesting job
My mum or dad
If I could I would
Why southland is the best place to live
Why New Zealand is the best place to live
Why boys shouldn't cry
Green or any other colour
The best pet in the world is
How to come fabulously wealthy
Why boys are cooler than girls vise versa
Parents are aliens
Why we should use manners
Never judge a book by its cover.
The things we had to have mastered to present a speech were...
Showing excellent preparation and organisation
Presenting facts examples in logical sequence
Ensuring our speech is interesting and holds the audiences interest throughout
Including language features(rhetorical questions imaginary persuasive language
Exaggeration emotive language
Giving our own opinion and factual information
Having an excellent and relevant conclusion
Beginning speech in a very interesting manner speaking clearly and coherently with good voice Projection
A range of expression and tone in voice
Good stance and posture.
By Taryn Carins
Text bullying
Sport for life
Homework:should it stay or should it go
Best worst most interesting job
My mum or dad
If I could I would
Why southland is the best place to live
Why New Zealand is the best place to live
Why boys shouldn't cry
Green or any other colour
The best pet in the world is
How to come fabulously wealthy
Why boys are cooler than girls vise versa
Parents are aliens
Why we should use manners
Never judge a book by its cover.
The things we had to have mastered to present a speech were...
Showing excellent preparation and organisation
Presenting facts examples in logical sequence
Ensuring our speech is interesting and holds the audiences interest throughout
Including language features(rhetorical questions imaginary persuasive language
Exaggeration emotive language
Giving our own opinion and factual information
Having an excellent and relevant conclusion
Beginning speech in a very interesting manner speaking clearly and coherently with good voice Projection
A range of expression and tone in voice
Good stance and posture.
By Taryn Carins
Book reviews
In room 9, we have been learning how to solve division problems using the place value partitioning and rounding and compensating strategy.
By Caleb.K
By Caleb.K
Year 6 camp
The year 6 can not wait until camp. Everyone is very excited for camp but they have wait for a wee bit. When we get to camp we all hope we can have a great time at Queenstown. For me it is going to feel like being home again.
By Nicole Davis
By Nicole Davis
Our new mini iPads.
Last week in every class we have got iPad minis we all got 5-6 of them it is fun doing speech's on them and playing maths games it has been really fun all our iPads are fun we are all so lucky.
Friday, 2 August 2013
Te Reo Maori
Every Wednesday Miss Riley comes in and teaches us Te Reo Moari , this week we have been looking at greetings such as...
Tena Koe , Hello to one!!!
Tena Korua Hello to two!!!
Tena Korua , Hello to three or more!!!
We all so learnt how to have a conversation in Maori
Kia Ora - Hello
Ok wai to ingoa - What is your name?
Ko toko ingoa - It's Taryn my name
Kie te pehea ko? - How are you?
Kie te fine ahau - I'm very fine thank you
No hea koe? - from south land thank you.
By Taryn Cairns
Tena Koe , Hello to one!!!
Tena Korua Hello to two!!!
Tena Korua , Hello to three or more!!!
We all so learnt how to have a conversation in Maori
Kia Ora - Hello
Ok wai to ingoa - What is your name?
Ko toko ingoa - It's Taryn my name
Kie te pehea ko? - How are you?
Kie te fine ahau - I'm very fine thank you
No hea koe? - from south land thank you.
By Taryn Cairns
Friday, 12 July 2013
Red Sock Day
Today at Winton School we are having a red sock day to celebrate Sir Peter Blake after a very sad ending to him. On 5 December 2001, pirates shot and killed Blake while he was on an environmental exploration trip in South America, monitoring global warming and pollution for the United Nations.
By Nicole Davis
By Nicole Davis
Pom Poms
On Thursday the 11th of July we had Miss Young. She told us how to make pom poms with a fork and wool,
here are some.
By Tane and Caleb
here are some.
By Tane and Caleb
Doodle For Google
Dot Art
Hi, this is my dot art we done it with Miss Young and the point of doing it was to make it look 3D. We made it by marking the sides of the paper each centimetre then we drew lines to each mark.
by Isaac Todd
kapa haka
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Reuben paterson
Friday, 28 June 2013
In room 9 this week we have been playing on a website called xtra math it has been fun we go on it every maths time and someone from out class room would set it up and once one person is done it will come up with another persons name and we will just rotate and rotate XTRA MATHS has been so FUN.
By Tuti Wilson
By Tuti Wilson
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Today at Sci-tech we did an experiment. We tested how long butter melts for. We either got to put it in our hand or mouth. p.s NEVER PUT IT YOUR MOUTH IT IS GROSS. We found out that putting butter in your mouth melts faster than in your hand. We also did an experiment that we put a cup of water into a container and put 3 tsp of sugar or salt to see if it dissolves. We found out that sugar and salt both dissolved.
By Aleigha Butcher Bell
By Aleigha Butcher Bell
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Central Cross X-Country
On Tuesday 11th of June some Winton kids had to compete in Central X-Country at the Browns Domain, many students were successful. The top 6 get to to Southland on the 21st of June.
by Josh Milne
Friday, 7 June 2013
Cross country
On Wednesday Winton School and St Thomas had there cross country at Moores Reserve. It was a perfect day for it it was a wee bit muddy in the bush. There was lots of successful runners that have made it into central that is on next Tuesday at Browns Damay.
By Jonty Stirling
Friday, 24 May 2013
In class we have been learning about narratives. We had to fill in a very detailed plan showing what the characters were seeing, smelling and hearing. We also had to describe the problem and the solution in pure detail.
Watch this space and over the next few weeks there might be a piece of finished writing.
Watch this space and over the next few weeks there might be a piece of finished writing.
In room 9 we have been learning about the heart. We have learnt all sorts of things like what makes the heart healthy and un healthy, some things that make your heart unhealthy are eating to much sugar because it makes your blood peasure gets high and not keeping fit because your arteries will clog and fat will get stored around your heart and it wont have any room to pump blood. Things that can keep your heart healthy are staying fit and eating the right foods like foods that come from the earth and meat.
By Taryn.
By Taryn.
Midlands B grad rugby
On Saturday the Midlands B Grade Rugby Team played Otautau in Otautau. It was a very close game. Jonty Carin scored all of Otautaus' tries and for Midlands Ben McMaster scored two tries, Aaron Tori scored one and Jonty Stirling scored one. So the final score was 31 to 26 both teams.
By Jonty Stirling
Friday, 17 May 2013
Winton school we have been training for Cross Country which is in Week 5 at Moores Estate. We go out every morning and run around the school for 15 minutes. We make sure that we warm-up and stretch. Many of us have sore legs so we have been looking forward to our rest day on Friday. Here are some photos of hard training students!!!

By Lily and Taryn

By Lily and Taryn
Friday, 10 May 2013
Every Friday from 9:00am to 10:30am the year 7s go to sci/tec half of the year 7s from room 9 and 10 go science and the other half go to tec at tec they do building and painting there teacher is Mr Wilmot in science we have Mrs Colet we have to find out the different between gases,liquid and solids it is the first time this term we have done it but we dome it last term as well we enjoy have this time to experiment and build these type of things.
By Brenna
In class we have been learning about adding and subtracting integers. The rules are:
Eg. 5 + -7 = -2 (The signs in the middle are different so we subtract 7 from 5).
Eg. -8 - -7 = -1 (The signs in the middle are same so we add 7 onto -8).
by Jonty Stirling
- if the signs are the same you add and move to the right of the number line
- if the signs are different you subtract and move to the left of the number line
Eg. 5 + -7 = -2 (The signs in the middle are different so we subtract 7 from 5).
Eg. -8 - -7 = -1 (The signs in the middle are same so we add 7 onto -8).
by Jonty Stirling
Persuasive Writing
For our writing in Term 1 and the start of Term 2 we have been doing Persuasive Writing. One of the most popular topics were should we put a tax on junk food? First we read some other peoples persuasive writing. Their topics were child slavery and saving the whales! Then we got to plan our own. When we were planning we had to choose a topic to get us started. Once we had chose our topics we had to research facts on the Internet to get us started. Here is my finished piece of writing...
How many people each day do you pass that are either overweight, fat or obese? What is causing these problems? I have one answer... fatty, unhealthy junk food.
Should we put a tax on fatty, unhealthy junk foods? I strongly think we should. I believe this because 60% of people in the world are overweight. If we put a tax on the unhealthy foods that our bodies don't need, it would definitely reduce obesity issues.
My second reason is that if we put a tax on unhealthy food people would stop buying them. I personally think that we eat lots of fatty food because it is so cheap. If it was more expensive people would eat out less often and make more of an effort to make their own dinner at home without all the preservatives. Not only would this cut down on the risk of heart diseases and strokes it would also save money.
My third reason is that people are eating twice the amount of salt and sugar our bodies need. This is why there is now two types of diabetes. One is caused by too much sugar and the other you were born with. Just think about all the people with sugar diabetes. If we put a tax on junk food less people would have diabetes.
My fourth reason is that if we put a tax on junk food people would stop buying them because they can't afford them. We should put 15% tax on the fatty foods and take 15% tax off fruit and vegetables. Our bodies need healthy food and people wouldn't want to buy the unhealthy food.
That is why I believe we should put a tax on fatty, unhealthy junk food. My first reason is that so many people in the world are overweight it's not funny. My second reason is that we only buy it because it is so cheap if a tax was put on then people would stop eating out and and make their own meals at home. My third reason is that people are getting heart diseases and strokes this needs to stop! My last reason is that if we put a tax on junk food we could take it off the healthy food our bodies need.
So what do you think? Should we put a tax on junk food?
writing group
Yay i'm in the new writing group and we are doing really fun things like making tubes and making them so awesome. Then we will put out most loved things in them and shear with 12 people in our writing group. from Jackson
Persuasive Writing
Room 9 have been doing persuasive writing. We have been doing it on subjects like why smoking should be banned and why school uniform should be banned.
Why smoking should be banned?
Do like the smell of smoke? More and more
people are smoking every day this has to stop!
I believe that smoking should be banned I
believe this because it is polluting the air with smoke and killing hundreds of
people and causing lung disease.
Firstly, I believe that smoking should be
banned because 1/3 of people in the world are wasting their money on smokes.
They are also slowly killing them selves as well. Instead of spending your
money on cigarettes they could buy something like for example a house, car,
clothes and food the tings that you need, but instead the people that smoke
spend their money on cigarettes. If you buy one packet of cigarettes it will cost
you about 8395 dollars a year.
Secondly smoking doesn’t just affect one
person. It can affect everybody around the person that is smoking. So it is
still dangerous being around a person that is smoking. Smoking is dangerous
because it can rot your lungs and cause lung cancer it can also rot your teethe.
Finally I think that smoking should be
banned because it will stop all the littering of cigarette butts and make the
environment more clean and healthy.
By Isaac Todd
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
For the last few months Winton School has been waiting for there brand new basketball court, now it is ready and everyone has been playing on it. Kids from the ages 7 and up have enjoyed having a basket ball court here, it's good for basketball coaches and for practices for the year 7 and 8 teams, some people still use the other basketball hoops on the tennis court.
By Brenna Jardine
By Brenna Jardine
Our brand new basketball court |
Friday, 5 April 2013
Hola senora, senor and senorita! Over last few weeks we have been learning a little bit of Spanish. So far we have learnt...
By Aleigha and Omea
- The Spanish alphabet and the pronunciation of the alphabet
- Some of the Spanish cognates
- Where in the world they speak Spanish
- How they greet each other

By Aleigha and Omea
Falling Back Self-Portraits
This week while the Year 7 students were at Technology the Year 6 students got to do some creative Art. The art is called falling back. Firstly we had to look at examples of the type of art on the internet. Secondly we had to trace our feet and hands onto a large piece of paper. We had to choose what we would be falling back into. Some students chose things like falling back into a drain, a sharks mouth, slime and jelly. We used pastels to colour our art .Here are some photos of the students art work.
Falling back into space by Ben McMaster |
Falling back into a sharks mouth by Jackson Stuart |
Falling back into a mud pit by Tuti Wilson |
Falling back into a sink by Caleb Keepin |
Falling back into the sea by Taryn Cairns |
Falling back into space inside a sharks mouth by Lily Just |
Falling back into slime by Omea |
By Jackson and Lily
You're An Egg!!!
At Winton School we had 'You're An Egg Day'. We had to paint our face as an Easter Egg or an Easter bunny. We are doing it for easter. People got photos taken by teachers to put up on the big screen TV. Here are some photos of students in our class.
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Homework Term 1 Week 8
You are expected to read for at least 15 mins each night.
Record your nightly reading at the bottom of the homework
Reading Log
You have 10 words to learn for Friday’s test. Practice your
words EACH night for success.
A good way to learn your words is the following for each
Copy the word – Read – Cover – Spell – Check if correct.
Practice your words in your Homework book
Action English: Verbs 2 - Page 16 Action
English 5, Page 22 Action English 4, Page 18 Action English 3 (If you weren’t
at school or didn’t have your book on Thursday we did Verbs 1 so complete this
first). Please check your book to see if you have anything you have not
- Learn your basic facts
- Dragon
-Book 3: Page 4 Reading and Writing Numbers.
-Book4: Page 4 Mental + and -
-Book 5: Page 4 Basic Facts
Tip: Remember
to read the information in the green boxes to help you with your homework
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