
Saturday, 23 May 2015

Robotic Sheds

Today I'm going to talk about robotic sheds. Robotic sheds are when a robot puts the cups onto the cows udders. There is not many robotic sheds in New Zealand. We watched  this video and found out heaps about robotic sheds e.g how the robots put the cups on the teats and the farmer still works although there is robot working. Watch this video. By Amanda-Rose and Olivia.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Maths Numeracy Work

In our math numeracy time we've been learing times tables and subtracting  with bigger numbers and five times tables. We've been learning numbers up to millions.

by charlie and brayden
This term room 9 has been studying a cows digestive system hear Is a picture.

Soon we will be going to a farm.

In Room 9 we have been learning about dairy farms. We have learnt about the types of cows around the world. In India the people think cows are special, so if a cow sits in the middle of the road for an hour, the person in the car has to wait until the cow decides to move. Friesians and Jersey cows are the most popular milking cows in the world!

By Beth A and Casey M.

Here is a video from rosie world called about milk.                                                                                  

By kase
In class we have learning all about Rosie the Cow.YOU can find this game on Rosie's World by following this link below.

By Karl and Matthew

Gumboot V2 POD

Dylans money

Today Dylan brought some of his mums old money to show the class. There was olden day coins from New Zealand and England. Also there was coins from the Eropen republic. These are some photos...
These are the coins.
Old New Zealand coins.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Rotary Sheds

For our topic we learnt about rotary sheds, herring bone sheds and robotic farms. Today i'm going to talk about rotary sheds. The Cows walk onto a revolving circular platform in a continuous flow, and are milked in a single rotation. At the end of the cycle a machine removes the cups and the cow backs out of the platform. Cows are more settled in a rotary shed unlike a herring bone shed, as each animal has its own space and there is less jostling- so the productivity  can be higher. By Amanda-Rose


In class we have been doing letter writing. We wrote letters to the Winton Rotary Club to say thank you for the dictionaries that they gave to the Year 4s. The last letter we wrote is to say thank you to anyone that we wanted.

By Dylan

Herring Bone Sheds

For our topic we have been looking at Herring Bone sheds, rotary sheds and robotic milking today i`m going to talk about herring bone sheds. In 1952 they were invented. In a herring bone shed, the farmers work in a pit below and no longer has to bend down to attach and detach the cups. The cows can line up on the left side or the right side.By Amanda-Rose

"From Moo to you"

Here are some calves.

For the last couple of weeks for our topic "from moo to you" we learnt about how a cow works. Here are some photos... here is a website we go on to... By Amanda-Rose

From Moo to you

In room 9 we have been learning about the process of milking cows. We have been learning about the Rotary Shed. First the farmer shifts the cows by following them down the lane. The cows are held in the yard and when the farmer wants more cows in the milking shed, the electronic gate lets the cows know to move into the shed. This is just a little piece of information we have learnt. Here are our title pages. By Beth A, Matthew M and Phoebe C.


On the 25th of April 2015 at 6:30 half of Winton school went to the dawn parade. At the start of the parade the cannon, it went BOOM!!! Winton school had to sing the national anthem. There were some people who talked about war. By Ben

Flash cards.

 On Wednesday and Thursday Caitlin and I  get tested on our flash cards. At the moment I am working on numbers more and less than up to 1000. Caitlin is working on three sets, this one in the photo is her 5 times tables.

By Caitlin and Kayla

Dairy Farming

Over the past few weeks we have been learning about dairy darming and here is the work I did:

By Blair

Our hero "the Story of George"

In reading we did a story it is called the story of George.  George was a Jack Russel terrier who lived in Manaia, a small Taranaki town. He was a friendly little dog, who enjoyed his morning walk to the shops with his owner. One Sunday, the five children who lived next door went to the diary. Luckily for them George went along, too. One their way they faced a attack from pit bulls.  By Amanda-Rose.  Here are some photos...
This is George.

This is the bravery medal.

This is the statue of George and his owner.


every day at 10 past 9 room 9 do reading. we have activities  such as NZCM stages3,4,5 and 6, we also have work sheets that we can work on. Another activity is teacher.After we pack up, we watch the NEWS.

By Dylan

Wednesday, 20 May 2015


On the 25 April some lucky pupils from winton school went to ANZAC oval to commemorate this day. After mr.Batt and a few others did a speech, the last post played. This made us feel sad. Then the cannon fired.After all that we all went home.

By Dylan

Buddy Reading

                                                Buddy Reading

 This term rooms 9 and 6 have been doing buddy reading. Every Friday I can't wait to see my buddy we read lots of books and sometimes we put positive comments on each others blog. I help her with the spelling but she mostly knows how to spell most of the words.

By Caitlin


Every day at 10:50 room 9 do reading. In  that time  we have  three rotations.We do activities such as sun shine online,the comprehension box,key into inference and teacher.After we pack up we do writing

By Dylan

Buddy reading

Every Friday Kayla, myself and Laura do buddy reading today. We learned how to post a comment to other posts. We also learnt how to post a post.
This is our buddy reading  class.

By Amanda-Rose

Friday, 15 May 2015

Buddy reading

At the moment rooms 9 and 6 have been doing buddy reading. Every Friday after lunch we gather in room 9 and read,blog and share our work.

These are some photos.

Ben's Experiment

Last term in class we were studying the Water Cycle. Our class learnt about evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. We had a question and we wondered if the salt gets evaporated with the sea water. Ben decided that he wanted to go home and find out if salt evaporated with the sea water.

Ben put water into a cup with salt and left it in the sun to evaporate. He found out after the water had evaporated that the salt was left behind. This answered our question which was 'Does salt evaporate up with the sea water?

Ben shared his results and we found out that salt does not evaporate.

Here are some photos from Ben's Experiment
Left over salt when water evaporated.