
Friday, 5 April 2013


Hola senora, senor and senorita! Over last few weeks we have been learning a little bit of Spanish. So far we have learnt...
  • The Spanish alphabet and the pronunciation of the alphabet
  • Some of the Spanish cognates
  • Where in the world they speak Spanish
  • How they greet each other 
 These are only a few of what we are hoping to achieve by the end of this topic. Over the last few weeks we have been creating a Spanish alphabet frieze. Each person in our class got  a letter of the alphabet and in the frieze they had to include the cognate of that letter, the pronunciation of that letter and the Spanish letter itself. Here are some of the finished letters...


    By Aleigha and Omea

    Falling Back Self-Portraits

    This week while the Year 7 students were at Technology the Year 6 students got to do some creative Art. The art is called falling back. Firstly we had to look at examples of the type of art on the internet. Secondly we had to trace our feet and hands onto a large piece of paper. We had to choose what we would be falling back into. Some students chose things like falling back into a drain, a sharks mouth, slime and jelly. We used pastels to colour our art .Here are some photos of the students art work.
    Falling back into space by Ben McMaster
                      Falling back into a sharks mouth by Jackson Stuart

    Falling back into a mud pit by Tuti Wilson

    Falling back into a sink by Caleb Keepin
    Falling back into the sea by Taryn Cairns
    Falling back into space inside a sharks mouth by Lily Just
    Falling back into slime by Omea 

    By Jackson and Lily

    You're An Egg!!!

    At Winton School we had 'You're An Egg Day'. We had to paint our face as an Easter Egg or an Easter bunny. We are doing it for easter. People got photos taken by teachers to put up on the big screen TV. Here are some photos of students in our class.



    By Lily and Abbey